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This is the true Amercian Dream i.e. Obama becoming the President of the United States of America.

In Democratic Party, International Relations, Republican Party, US, US Politics, US President, US Presidential Elections, USA on November 4, 2008 at 4:47 am


There’e nothing new about this. Oabama looked like the President of USA for the last 2-3 weeks. His campaign got further accelaration as it appraoched the final voting day. He’ll be there and he’s almost there (This is written before the election day. Thanks to American people he’s there finally).


Sorry John McCain! May be in next life as the President of the USA

Sorry John McCain! May be in next life as the President of the USA


Obama’ll make history in many respects and that’d be a model for many Amercians and countries all around the world. The win’d be possible ONLY because of the catholicity of the majority of Americans who didn’t see him as a coloured man but a man whom they can trust on their behalf. The great speech of Rev.Martin Luther King Jr rings in our ears about the Dream he had of America.Therefore it’s never a sin nor unthinkable about having dreamy future.

Obama is a metaphor of the Dreams of Martin Luther King. Oabama got it with his hard work and perseverence. He faltered many a time during pre-nomination phase. Turbulance in many forms hit the voyage of Freedom. At some point most of the Democratic support base shrunk based on one loose statement that sounded like a Divided view of America. It’s in fact a ringing statement of American hoipolloi in favour of United America. He gave a speach on the Unity & that’s again marked as another landmark which later on galvanised the nation of America again on his side.

Obama in Kenyan Islamic attire

Obama in Kenyan Islamic attire


He withstood the storms created by his Democratic opponent. In fact Hillary flung more attacks on Oabama than his natural Republican opponent John McCain. The worst storms were behind Oabama once he crossed the stage of Democratic nomination as America and the world was waiting for the exit of George Bush.

John McCain is not a soft political adversary either but people were not swayed by the infra-nationalism of the Republicans. Probably it could be a negative vote Bush than a positive vote for Obama. Nevrtheless Oabama brilliance can’t be denied, off-hand. His ability to form and sway public opinion in his direction of thinking is something remarkable.

Obama had a unique multi-racial and cultural family. Obama had a white grandmother who passed away a day before the earthbreaking news of her grandson becoming the President.  

Obama is more like a child of destiny. He had a difficult time as he’d not from rich background. He worked his way in life by studying and working hard. He dreamt about the top job. He worked his way methodically.

Obama's teardrops for his grandmother

Obama's teardrops for his grandmother


I don’t know if the demise of his grandmother would help him electorally or not but Obama is already a sure winner by now. May be the teary-eyed Obama is meant to pay a tribute to his grandmother or it could be the bond of grandmother and her grandson that spurted out in the form of tears.

Obama is worthy of US Presidencey. He’ll be there in the saddle soon.

The True American Dream is this i.e. becoming the President of the United States of America.